Absorbency Guide
Our Ensemble bikini de bain menstruel have a Moderate absorbency.
Check out the below guide to see how this level stacks up against our other products.
●●○○○ | Moderate - Check out our absorbency guide here
Cet ensemble de bikini de bain périodique 2 pièces comprend une paire de bas d'époque et un haut de bikini court avec des bretelles réglables. Disponible en noir ou bleu sarcelle.
L'ensemble est entièrement doublé et le bas de bikini de bain périodique comporte un soufflet à 3 couches avec une couche étanche, une couche absorbante et évacuant l'humidité.
Les maillots de bain menstruels Eco Swim utilisent une technologie similaire à celle de nos sous-vêtements menstruels étanches Eco Tech, mais avec l'ajout d'une couche de maille sèche contre la peau pour absorber les fluides corporels dans son noyau, et d'un tissu extérieur résistant à l'eau pour empêcher l'eau de piscine ou d'océan de pénétrer. à l'intérieur.
Tous les articles sont entièrement doublés pour plus de confort et de qualité.
*Veuillez noter que le haut de bikini du modèle illustré est légèrement différent. Le produit a un dos ouvert à bretelles.
Fabric Composition: Recycled nylon outer fabric
When your swimwear arrive, try them on over your regular, clean underwear before use to check the fit. Make sure to give them a wash before your first wear to improve the absorption performance.
Then to use the swimwear, simply wear them like you would with any of your other swimwear.
Step 1 Wash your Eco Period swimwear before wearing / using them. This activates the EcoTech and primes it for use.
Step 2, After wearing, rinse in cold water until the blood/ fluids are mostly removed. You can do this in the shower to save water, but just do it before the water heats up past 30 degrees, as heat will set stains into the fabrics.
Step 3. Pop your swimwear into a delicates wash bag and into the washing machine on a cold wash. Use a liquid natural detergent.
No fabric softeners.
Step 4. Hang dry on the line outside. Line drying is best as it is kinder to the fabrics. Just don't leave them out on the line for days.
Eco Period swimwear should NEVER:
Be cleansed with harsh detergents (these abrade and break down clothes which shortens their effectiveness and lifespan)
Be cleansed with fabric softeners (it's like fabric cholesterol and blocks the pathways in the fabric through which the liquid travels)
Be bleached (bleach kills everything, need we say more)
Be dry cleaned (putting the products into such a harsh environment with or without the added chemicals is bad)
Be washed in very hot water (heat breaks down the fibres and natural compounds that make these products so effective.
Well, did you know more than 12 BILLION pads and tampons are thrown out every year worldwide? Let's break this down even further to see the impact you CAN make - the average woman alone uses 11,000 pads, tampons and panty liners in their lifetime. That’s a lot of landfill! It's time to make the switch to Eco Period, you won't look back.
Eco Period offers beautifully crafted, quality period garments that are made to last, and are just as good for your body as they are for the environment.
We are passionate about making a difference through our products and hope to help you transition (or continue) your journey towards zero waste, eco and organic period solutions.
Absorbency Guide
Check out the below guide to see how this level stacks up against our other products.