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Vanuatu Menstrual Health Initiative: Eco Period Australia

Vanuatu Menstrual Health Initiative: Eco Period Australia

At Eco Period, we believe that access to safe, sustainable, and affordable menstrual care is a fundamental right. Many women and girls in Vanuatu, particularly in rural communities, face limited access to menstrual products, leading to...
Period Underwear

Make Waves with Confidence: Discover the Power of Period-Proof Swimwear

Summer is a time for relaxation, fun, and enjoying the great outdoors. But for many women and teens, the thought of swimming while on their period can bring anxiety and discomfort.  That's where period-proof swimwear...
A woman playing at the beach with with period swimwear

Here's How Eco Period Australia Supports Sustainable Menstrual Health

Periods can be a daunting time of the month, but at Eco Period Australia, we believe in transforming the period experience into something positive and empowering. Here’s how we can change the narrative around menstruation...
Prepare for Travelling with Eco Period Underwear

Period-Proof Your Travel Plans with Reliable Period Underwear

Hitting the road for an adventure is exciting! But if you're due for your period around travel time, it can add a bit of stress.  No need to worry about packing bulky pads or tampons...
Leakproof Underwear for Stress Incontinence

Managing Stress Incontinence with Leakproof Underwear

Ever leaked a little when you laugh, cough or sneeze? You’re probably not alone, but chances are not many of your friends will admit it if you asked them. The reality is though, that stress...
Benefits of Spending time in Nature when on your Period

Enjoy the Benefits of Spending time in Nature while on your Period

One of the most profound benefits of spending time in nature during menstruation is the practice of earthing and grounding. Earthing, also known as grounding, involves direct physical contact with the earth's surface – whether...
Organic Fabric Choices for Period Underwear

Why Choose Eco Fabrics Like Organic cotton & Hemp?

As we celebrate Earth Month this April, I wanted to take a moment to discuss the significant impact that choosing organic cotton and other eco fabrics can have on both your health and the environment....
Eco Period School Underwear Packs

Eco Period School Underwear Packs

  Oh, the joys of being a teenager! It's like riding a rollercoaster, except the ups are your rapidly fluctuating emotions, and the downs are...well, let's just say, discovering that your favorite jeans are now...
Shopping for Period Undies in Supermarket Eco Period Underwear

Supermarket Period Undies vs Eco Period Undies: What Sets Them Apart?

The disparities between supermarket period undies from Coles and Woolworths and Eco Period undies are evident. Eco Period undies not only cater to women of all sizes, but they also uphold superior quality, sustainability, stylish...