Get Ready for Back to School with Eco Period underwear

Get Ready for Back to School with Eco Period underwear - Eco Period Australia

Get prepped for going #BackToSchool with Eco Period teen period-proof underwear


With the school season fast approaching, parents are getting prepped for that back-to-school rush. Loading up backpacks, buying school shoes and getting ready for the 9-to-5 routine are all on the to-do list for mums and dads in January - but we have one item that simply can’t be missed off the packing list.

Parents who have girls who are on the cusp of starting their period, listen up!

We really recommend keeping a pair of Eco Period teen period underwear on standby in your daughter’s backpack so that she’s prepared in case Mother Nature comes to visit while she’s at school.

Having a pair tucked away in her backpack or locker means she can crack on at school with the peace of mind that she’s covered if her period starts, and can turn to her period-proof underwear rather than having to navigate the potentially frightening frontier of tampons.

Find the perfect pair for her by checking out our Youth underwear range.