Microwaveable Menstrual Cup Steriliser
Menstrual Cup Steriliser - microwavable.
Simply place your Eco Period Menstrual Cup in the Steriliser, and fill the steriliser half full with water. Close the lid. Check your microwave's wattage settings, place on the standard cook setting and place in your microwave for 1 minute, use care flip your cup over and microwave a further one minute.
If you still detect a smell, fill your steriliser with white vinegar and soak your cup for a couple of minutes.
Please note: The water must boil for the Eco Period Menstrual Cup to be sanitised. Take care when removing the steriliser from your microwave. We suggest leaving the Steriliser and The Eco Period Menstrual Cup in your microwave for 10 minutes to cool down.

Eco Period offers beautifully crafted, quality period garments that are made to last, and are just as good for your body as they are for the environment.
We are passionate about making a difference through our products and hope to help you transition (or continue) your journey towards zero waste, eco and organic period solutions.